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Leadership: Best Advice You Ever Got
...a conversation with author, Paul B. Thornton


In this audio interview Paul Thornton, consultant, trainer and speaker specializing in the areas of management, leadership and team building and author of Leadership: Best Advice I Ever Got, offers his insight on his discoveries about the advice leaders shared with him.

In the book CEOs, presidents, professors, politicians and religious leaders describe the best advice they received that most helped them become effective leaders.

Marshall Goldsmith, renowned executive coach, named by the American Management Association as one of 50 thinkers and business leaders who have most influenced the field of management over the last four decades, summed up the wisdom in this book this way: "This book contains some of the best coaching on leadership that you will ever receive."

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About Paul B. Thornton
Be A Leader Associates

Paul B. Thornton is a speaker, author, consultant, and associate professor of business administration at Springfield Technical Community College. In addition, he is an associate professor at large for the Thierry Graduate School of Leadership located in Brussels, Belgium. For over ten years he was manager, human resources for approximately 1,200 employees at the Hamilton Standard division of United Technologies. While at Hamilton Standard he also held the position of manager, management development. He was directly involved in assessment centers, succession planning, 360 feedback, leadership reviews and organizational restructuring.

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