Enlightening Books BK COLLECTION at the Global Dialogue Center
giving intellectual or spiritual light; imparting knowledge |
We are pleased share an enlightening books collection at our Knowledge Gallery produced in partnership with Berrett-Koehler Publishers, a community dedicated to creating a world that works for all. The collection is dynamic with a revolving selection of books from Berrett-Koehler's three imprints: BK Currents, BK Life, and BK Business. The distinction in their books comes from their commitment to "Opening Up New Space." Berrett-Koehler books challenge conventional thinking, introduce new ideas, and foster positive change.
BK Business
Pioneering socially responsible, effective approaches to leading and managing organizations.
The Inner Path to Knowledge Creation
by Joseph Jaworski
An enthralling narrative by international bestselling author of Synchronicity and his search for the fundamental Source of creativity and innovation. Draws on a fascinating range of thought —physics, cognitive science, psychology, and indigenous and spiritual traditions.
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler Website
Rebuilding Trust in the Workplace
Seven Steps to Renew Confidence, Commitment and Energy
by Dennis Reina and Michelle Reina
Offers a proven process for restoring trust whether you have been betrayed, have committed a betrayal, or are helping someone through one by the authors of the award-winning Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace
2011 Axiom Silver Medal Winner in the Business Ethics Category
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website
Good Company
Business Success in the Worthiness Era
by Laurie Bassi, Ed Frauenheim, Dan Mcmurrer, Larry Costells
Identifies the forces now making good corporate behavior mandatory.
Ranks the Fortune 100 on a Good Company Index™ that proves genuine corporate citizenship has a huge impact on the bottom line.
Explains how companies can prove themselves worthy sellers, employers, and stewards. We’re losing patience with bad companies...
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website
Putting Our Differences to Work
The Fastest Way to Innovation,
Leadership, and High Performance
by Debbe Kennedy, GDC Founder
Foreword by Joel A. Barker
BK Business and BK Currents Hot Title 2012
**2010 Axiom Business Book Award Winner** - Bronze Medal for HR/Employee Training. A practical guide for leaders and innovators at all levels that changes the prevailing rules of how to think, behave, and operate in the 21st Century, inspired by our Global Dialogue Center community. Proceeds from the book support our free and open virtual space for people throughout the world.
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BOOK Overview (pdf)
for Teams, Reading Groups and Classes
VIDEO Book Primer by Joel Barker
BK Currents
Advancing social and economic justice, sustainable development, and positive change at national and global levels.
This Changes Everything
Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement
by Sarah Van Gelder (editor) and
Staff of Yes! Magazine (editor)
The Occupy Wall Street movement named the core issue of our time, but the movement goes far beyond this critique. This book shows how the movement is shifting the way people view themselves and the world, the kind of society they believe is possible, and their own involvement in creating a society that works for the 99% rather than just the 1%.
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website
The Abundant Community
Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods
by John McKnight and Peter Block
Reveals the invisible but immense impact that consumerism has had on the fabric of our families and communities. Recommends how we can create richer, more fulfilling lives and break our dependency on the consumer economy.
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website
Corporations Are Not People
Why They Have More Rights than You Do and What You Can Do About It
by Jeffrey D. Clements
A plain-English guide to the disastrous practical consequences of the bizarre legal doctrine of “corporate personhood”— enshrined most recently in the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision; features a constitutional amendment designed to overturn Citizens United with
a “tool kit” to help citizens mount a grassroots campaign to pass the People’s Rights amendment.
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website
BK Life
Helping people create positive individual change and align their lives with their aspirations for a better world.
By Margaret J. Wheatley
By the bestselling author of Leadership and the New Science and Turning to One Another
Thoughtful, compassionate reflections on how we can carry on with joy despite difficulties, challenges, and disappointments; illuminated by both beautiful original paintings and by poems and quotations from a variety of traditions and cultures.
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website
Creating Personal Presence
Look, Talk, Think, and Act
Like a Leader
by Dianna Booher
Shows how anyone can cultivate the kind of commanding presence essential to success in all walks of life. Helps you communicate clearly and powerfully to engage others.Gives scores of specific, practical tips from the bestselling author of Communicate with Confidence (over 165,000 copies sold).
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website |
Create the Life You Really Want
by Ethan Willis and Randy Garn
New York Times Bestseller
Shows how to achieve genuine, satisfying, sustainable prosperity, not simply increase your income
Outlines six Prosperity Practices and provides concrete actions you can take to put each into practice.
Learn more on Berrett-Koehler website


99 to 1
How Wealth Inequality Is Wrecking the World and
What We Can Do About It
By Chuck Collins
Brings together for the first time facts and figures showing exactly what "the 99% and the 1%" divide means in the real world and the damage it causes. Identifies the social and historical forces that created and perpetuate this divide. Offers concrete proposals for closing the inequality gap.

The Self-Made Myth
And the Truth About How Government Helps Individuals and Business Succeed
by Brian Miller and
Mike Lapham
Exposes the damage to our political discourse and policy choices caused by the myth of the “self-made man.” Offers testimony from a variety of business leaders about the full range of contributions to their success. Spells out actions we must take to lay the foundation for a renewed prosperity.
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