Enlightening Films COLLECTION at the Global Dialogue Center
a film presenting political, social, or historical story in a factual, informative manner
This Global Dialogue Center collection includes meaningful and eye-opening, well-produced documentaries on topics of our time from our changing culture, water, sustainability, coming together with music, healthcare, world hunger, as well as little known stories from the past that teach us valuable lessons. Each film provides a link to direct access for the documentary:
“If we see things as they are and are willing to sacrifice ourselves,
there is no real problem we cannot eventually overcome.”
--- Kazuo Inamori, one of Japan’s most admired people-focused
entrepreneurs, innovators and philanthropists
Forks Over Knives 2011
This compelling feature film examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. Endorsed by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent and Dr. Oz, The Dr. Oz Show. Truly excellent and enlightening film! See for yourself.
See VIDEO TRAILER online and order DVD, Blue Ray and Book
Available at Amazon.com #1 Documentary | #77 in Movies & TV
Available on Netflix
Lost Boys of Sudan
Winner of an Independent Spirit Award and named Best Documentary at the San Francisco International Film Festival, LOST BOYS OF SUDAN follows two teenage Sudanese refugees on an extraordinary journey from Africa to America, offering a gripping and sobering peek into the myth of the American Dream. Originally premiered by P.O.V. series on PBS.
Available at Amazon DVD and Online Download
Available on Netflix
This is a great movie that everybody in the industrialized world should watch, especially America. It may not keep you hanging on the edge of your seat, but the information contained within is priceless. It is a wake up call that might just save your life.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
I.O.U.S.A. (DVD) 2008
America is on the brink of a financial meltdown. I.O.U.S.A. boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States. Burdened with an ever-expanding government and military, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and debts to foreign countries that are becoming impossible to honor, America must mend its spendthrift ways or face an economic disaster of epic proportions.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
Food, Inc. (DVD) 2008
Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing how our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, thelivelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat, how it's produced and who we have become as a nation.It is excellent and is a must see for everyone.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
Blue Gold: World Water Wars (DVD) 2009
Narrated by Malcolm McDowell,this award-winning documentary from director Sam Bozzoposits that we're moving closer to a world in which water -- a seemingly plentiful natural resource -- could actually incite war. As water becomes an increasingly precious commodity, corrupt governments, corporations and even private investors are scrambling to control it... which leaves everyday citizens fighting for a substance they need to survive.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
Chavez Ravine (DVD) 2005
Narrated by Cheech Marin, Chavez Ravine tells the bittersweet story of how an American community was betrayed by greed, political hypocrisy, and good intentions gone astray.
In 1949, photographer Don Normark stumbled on Chavez Ravine, a closely-knit Mexican-American village on a hill overlooking downtown Los Angeles. Enchanted, he stayed for a year and took hundreds of photographs, never knowing he was capturing on film the last images of a place that was about to disappear.
The following year, the city of L.A. evicted the 300 families of Chavez Ravine to make way for a low-income public housing project. The land was cleared, homes, schools, and church razed to the ground. But the real estate lobby, sensing a great opportunity, accused the LA Housing Authority's Frank Wilkinson of being a communist agent. The city folded and instead of building the promised housing, it sold the land to baseball owner Walter O'Malley, who built Dodger Stadium on the site.
Fifty years later, Normark's haunting black-and-white photographs reclaim and celebrate a lost village from a simpler time.
Available at Amazon.com
This film is not available at Netflix
Flow: For Love of Water (DVD) 2007
From both local and global perspectives, this documentary examines the harsh realities behind the mounting water crisis. Learn how politics, pollution and human rights are intertwined in this important issue that affects every being on Earth. With water drying up around the world and the future of human lives at stake, the film urges a call to arms before more of our most precious natural resource evaporates.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
Holes in Heaven (DVD) 2005
This thought-provoking documentary narrated by actorMartin Sheenprovides a balanced look at the controversial HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project), a high-frequency radio transmitter, or "ionospheric heater," used by the U.S. military to beam potent energy into the Earth's upper atmosphere. Whether the HAARP is advantageous or dangerous, as its fiercest critics claim, is a question that's up for debate.
Available at Amazon. com
Also available at Netfix
Money-Driven Medicine (DVD) 2009
MONEY-DRIVEN MEDICINE provides the essential introduction Americans need to become knowledgeable and vigorousparticipants in healthcare reform.
Produced by Academy Award winner Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room) and based on Maggie Mahar's acclaimed book of the same title, Money-Driven Medicine offers an accessible, journalistically rigorous explanation of how the U.S. healthcare system went so terribly wrong and what it will take to fix it.
Money-Driven Medicine is a powerful resource for confronting the myths about what's driving health care costs and quality, and to educate and organize around the comprehensive changes needed to reform our medical care system.
Screen the DVD in community dialogs, classes, staff trainings, policy forums, 'brown bag' lunchesandconferences. Arrange "house parties" for friends and neighbors to discuss what ordinary citizens can do.
DVDs of Money-Driven Medicine can be purchased for institutional use now for August 20th shipment at www.newsreel.org or by calling 877-811-7495.
There is no DVD available for home use at this time.
Digital rental for home use will be available at Newsreel.org/Amazon after August 28 for $2.99.
Playing for Change, Songs Around the World (DVD and CD set) 2009
From the Artist
"The act of playing music with people of different cultures, religions, economics and politics is a powerful statement. It shows that we can find ways of working together and sharing our experiences with one another in a positive way. Music has the power to break down the walls between cultures, to raise the level of human understanding." - Mark Johnson, founder, Playing for Change
Available at Amazon.com
There are 100 million unmarried adults in America and for the first time ever, the majority of US households are headed by an unmarried person. The simple explanation is that we marry later, divorce a lot, and live longer. But there’s more to it than that. Today’s life is more complex, intense, and demanding. As a result, finding and maintaining a lasting relationship has become even more challenging.
The game has dramatically changed. Should you have a plan? See Trailer.
Available at Amazon. com
Also available at Netfix
The Orphan Trains - American Experience (DVD) 2006
In the 1850s, thousands of homeless children roamed New York City streets in search of food and shelter. Moved by their suffering, a young minister named Charles Loring Brace founded the Children's Aid Society. The charitable group sent the children on trains to rural areas, where families would take in the orphans. By 1929, more than 150,000 neglected children had made such journeys. Their remarkable stories live on in this moving documentary.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
When Did We See You Hungry? (DVD) 2002
The faces of the poor and hungry from San Francisco to Nairobi will be forever etched in your mind after you view this powerful film narrated by Martin Sheen.Following the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, Gerard Thomas Straubspent months living among homeless and poor families around the world to capture more than 250 black-and-white images. Straub and other writers talk about the challenges of solving the worldwide epidemic.
Not available at Amazon. com
Available at Netfix
Who Killed the Electric Car? (DVD) 2006
Amid ever-increasing gas prices, this documentary delves into the short life of the GM EV1 electric car -- once all the rage in the mid-1990s and now fallen by the roadside. How could such an efficient, green-friendly vehicle fail to transform our garages and skies? Through interviews with government officials, former GM employees and concerned celebsseeks to answer the question.
Available at Amazon.com
Also available at Netflix
Why We Fight (DVD)
Filmed during the Iraq War, this documentary dissects America's military machine with a keen eye to answering the question: Why does America engage in war? Through personal stories of soldiers, government officials, scholars, journalists and innocent victims, the film examines the political and economic interests and ideological factors, past and present, behind American militarism. Winner of the 2005 Sundance Grand Jury Award.
Available at Amazon. com
Also available at Netfix