Welcome to the Knowledge Gallery
Our gallery is dedicated to connecting you to the world's wisdom. It is the home of ongoing self-learning exhibits that highlight the knowledge and wisdom of great minds, past and present. Each exhibit brings insight and artistic expression together for a unique learning experience.
Scroll down to see an overview of our Knowledge Gallery exhibits now showing.
Knowledge Gallery Exhibits NOW SHOWING...
Tribute to Frances Hesselbein
founding President and CEO, Leader to Leader Institute
(formerly the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management)
We are deeply honored to showcase this inspiring exhibit, highlighting
Mrs. Hesselbein's remarkable leadership accomplishments. You will have
an up-close and personal look inside her journey, experience an intimate
conversation with her, and learn from her example. Now showing...
Putting Our Differences to Work
A Digital Art Exhibit at the Knowledge Gallery
...Honoring the work of Bay Area artist, Sally K. Green
This special exhibit celebrates our many dimensions of difference
as individuals, sharing insight from many unique vantage points
about our HOPES and promise for the future, and what it means
to work together.
Take a tour...
BRAVE HEART: "...hope for all mankind"
at the Knowledge Gallery
Honoring the work of Jeff Pasternak, songwriter and artist
A unique and meaningful demonstration of the significance of putting our differences to work. With author, Dr. Alex Pattakos and Introduction by Debbe Kennedy, founder, Global Dialogue Center.
Go now...
We came to be heard
We came as equals
...celebrating three remarkable days in history
See this commemorative visual, self-learning exhibit, celebrating three days in history, when the people of the world came together in an unprecedented online dialogue for the 1st TIME. We pay special tribute, in this work, to the visionary leadership of the Government of Canada, UN-Habitat and IBM, whose visionary leadership, belief in people and possibilities, innovative technology brought this small miracle to life for all of us.
See the exhibit.
Five Regions of the Future:
Insights for the 21st Century
Featuring the wisdom from the internationally renowned furturist, author and filmmaker, Joel A. Barker and his co-author, Scott Erickson from their new book FIVE REGIONS OF THE FUTURE.
Now showing...
Viktor Frankl:
The man, his message and his principles
Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his birth in 2005, honoring his legacy of meaning. Includes personal stories of fururist, Joel Barker and author, Alex Pattakos, Ph.D., author, Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl Principles at Work.
Also, features a video clip from Joel Barker's, classic Power of Vision video, filmed on location in Auschwitz, honoring Frankl's insights about the importance of having a positive vision of the future. Exhibit includes direct access to our Viktor Frankl COLLECTION at the Global Dialogue Center.
Now showing...
Wisdom from Water
...a celebration of Dr. Masaru Emoto's pioneering research and astonishing discoveries
A celebration of Japan's Dr. Masaru Emoto's pioneering research and astonishing discoveries documented in his book, Hidden Messages in Water and presented in the film, "What the Bleep Do We Know?" The exhibit includes direct access to his books, publisher, related links and more.
Now showing...
The Power of Dialogue: Words of Wisdom
The wisdom of dialogue brings together the inspiration of quotations and excerpts from Action Dialogues: Meaningful Conversations to Accelerate Change by Debbe Kennedy, the Global Dialogue Center's founder and original oil paintings by Bay Area artist, Sally K. Green from her From Vision to Action: The Journey to Peace series.
Now showing...
Women's Gallery at Women in the Lead
We invite you to also visit our Women's Gallery dedicated to showcasing women’s leadership in all its unique and influential forms at Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center.
Now showing...