Virtual events at the Global Dialogue Center
The Global Dialogue Center is a virtual gathering place for people throughout the world with a focus on leadership, professional and personal development. We have a strong belief that people who are thinking, questioning, exploring new ideas and spending meaningful time together make more effective leaders in organizations, businesses, governments and in other places of influence throughout the world. In turn, they can be powerful catalysts for creating a better world than we know today.
For this reason, we are redefining what a “virtual event” is around the world. We’ve learned from all of you that people want to think, question, learn, explore ideas, but how you want to participate takes many forms ---- including written interviews, audio programs, podcasts, visual exhibits, online seminars, blogs, forums and dialogues, as well as other emerging innovations for conversation and exchange of ideas. Our virtual events programs continue to be a work-in-progress with new offerings under development ---- we look forward to continuing to bring people together with inspiring thought-leaders in many ways.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Add your name to our invitation list.
special events, interviews and insights from thought leaders |
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YOU’RE INVITED to join us!
Being a Leader LIVE!
See Video Replay of JUNE 5
Share in the experience 385+ leaders from 30 countries enjoyed together, complete with handouts and wisdom to take home. Dialogue Themes: Ethical, principled leadership, motivating your team and others around you, and breaking out as a leader. Go to:
Thursday OCT 18 | Wednesday DEC 5
Two distinctive online global
conversations with Frances Hesselbein,
leader extraordinaire and recipient of the
Presidential Medal of freedom, the highest
civilian honor in the United States of America.
Frances' Bio
Please join us for BEING a Leader LIVE!, an global webinar series. Each conversation explores key aspects of the challenges and opportunities leaders face day-to-day. To keep it current, the themes for our dialogues with you for the series are shaped by the ideas and questions you submit at registration. Brought to you through a partnership of Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute and the Global Dialogue Center.
REGISTER for the 2 remaining distinctive Leadership Webinars
Invite your team or a leader you know may benefit. No fees. Reserve your place for all three webinars or the dates that work best for you...
Thursday OCT 18
Wednesday DEC 5
BROCHURE to SHARE: Download a PDF Brochure to view and share
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Rediscovering the Soul of Authentic Leadership | The OPA! Way®
with Alex Pattakos, Ph.D. and Elaine Dundon, Ph.D. | Hosted by Debbe Kennedy, author and founder, Global Dialogue Center
Video REPLAY and Resources...
Video Webinar REPLAY
HANDOUTS and Other Resources
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Celebrating Our LEADERSHIP
An ONLINE Women’s Gathering with South Africa’s Wendy Luhabe and Debbe Kennedy, author and founder, Global Dialogue Center
Video REPLAY and Resources...
Video Webinar REPLAY
HANDOUTS and Other Resources
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LEADERSHIP by Example 2011 Series
The NEXT Leader of the Future
with executive thought-leader, Frances Hesselbein, President and CEO, Leader to Leader Institute, Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States of America
Video REPLAY and Resources...
Video Webinar REPLAY
HANDOUTS and Other Resources
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with author Bill Treasurer
Boosting Your Effectiveness, Impact, and Influence at Work | Hosted by Debbe Kennedy, author and founder, Global Dialogue Center
Video REPLAY and Resources...
Video Webinar REPLAY
HANDOUTS and Other Resources
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Discovering New Pathways to Leadership
with Jessica Roemischer, transformational advisor, pianist and composer
Hosted by Debbe Kennedy, author and founder, Global Dialogue Center
Video REPLAY and Resources...
Video Webinar REPLAY
HANDOUTS and Other Resources
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with futurist and author, Joel Barker and Debbe Kennedy, author and founder, Global Dialogue Center | Topic: “Roadblocks to INNOVATION”
Audio REPLAY and Resources
Innovation TIPS Library
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with author, Stewart Levine | Building High
Performance Teams, Partnerships, and Marriages
Video REPLAY and Resources...
Video Webinar REPLAY
HANDOUTS and Other Resources
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Leadership by Example
A Conversation with Frances Hesselbein Hosted by Debbe Kennedy with pianist Jessica Roemischer. No Fees.
PDF Brochure
Learn more and register
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Tactics of Innovation:
How to Get Buy-In for NEW IDEAS WebinarAn ONLINE professional development webinar.
Learn more and register
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From the Women’s Gallery...
Interview with Jessica Roemischer
pianist and music educator
A visual self-learning exhibit above serves as a prelude to our very special conversation with Jessica Roemischer. Includes recorded music and
Learn more
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Shift in Action -- ConverZations that Matter
a program of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
a teleseminar hosted by Belvie Rook
Interview with Debbe Kennedy,
author of Putting Our Differences to Work
Learn more and listen
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The Perry Peacock Movie (4 minutes of sheer delight!)
Inspired by the bestselling book
Peacock in the Land of Penguins
by B.J. Gallagher Hateley and Warren H. Schmidt.
Produced by simple
Watch it!
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Jim Blasingame
The Small Business Advocate
Interview with Debbe Kennedy, Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Author, Putting Our Differences to Work
Are you embracing diversity in your small business as a best practice? Debbe Kennedy joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how diversity is a key small business element in 21st century leadership and execution.
Learn more and listen |
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New Business Thinking: The Search for a Meaningful Contribution...a conversation with Christopher Kenny
A fresh perspective on leadership, business and life with a focus on purpose and his search for a meaningful contribution, offering four compelling questions that could help you set a new direction.
Learn more |
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Moments of Insight COLLECTION at the Global Dialogue Center
NEW GDC exclusive audio learning series designed to bring you leading thought-leader knowledge; it's on-the-go leadership, professional and personal development. In our inaugural three programs, get updated on current events in the world, enhance your search for meaning and learn from a woman executive about the significance of diversity and inclusion in the marketplace, workplace and community with compelling message from NY Times bestselling author, John Perkins; author, Dr. Alex Pattakos; and Emily Duncan, former Vice President, Hewlett-Packard Company. Learn more and listen in... |
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Zen of Business Administration
...An Interview author, Marc Lesser
Marc talks about his book exploring how Zen practice can transform your work and life and the personal journey that led him to write the book.
Buy book from
Learn more... |
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Light in the Dark: A Tribute to Viktor Frankl
with a poem by Sara Robinson
This moving portrayal includes a reading by the author creating an extraordinary self-learning experience you won't want to miss.
Learn more ... |
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Leadership: Best Advice You Ever Got
...a conversation with author, Paul B. Thornton
Paul shares insights from his latest book that includes a collection of "best ever advice" from CEOs, coaches, consultants, presidents, professors, politicians, and religious leaders.
Buy book from
Learn more and listen... |
A podcast series that will help you become a more effective leader
We are proud to introduce a professional and personal development audio/podcast series with Debbe Kennedy, author and founder of the Global Dialogue Center and Leadership Solutions Companies.
"Working Together" is a personal, but practical exploration of the realities of collaboration, influence and innovation in a world that is full of differences.
Minimizing the Impact of Change: Focusing on People
Consideration for Others: Learning to Think Mutualistically
The Perpetual Cycle of Action: Achieving Results Together
Rewarding Great Collaborations: 10 Ways to Recognize and Refresh Winning Relationships
Available now
See the new visual self-guided tour!
Full schedule and learn more |
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eco6 Speakers Dialogue at the Global Dialogue Center
Corporate Social Responsibility/Socially Reponsible Investing We met with five of the keynote speakers at the eco6 Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, for an unprecedented up-close and personal dialogue on Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Responsible Investing. Meet these global pioneering speakers, learn from their diverse perspectives, sage advice and calls-to-action at this critical time in history.
Listen and view now
Women in the Lead presents...
An intimate personal interview with Emily Duncan, trailblazer, big sister, wife and hiker---she is also Vice President, Culture and Diversity for Hewlett-Packard Company worldwide.
Listen to PODCAST
Learn more about Women in the Lead |
An Interview with John Renesch
In this audio/podcast, John Renesch, San Francisco businessman-turned-futurist and author of Getting to the Better Future: A Matter of Conscience Choosing talks with Global Dialogue Center founder, Debbe Kennedy about his book, the story behind it and an inspiring perspective on the important role we each play in creating the future.
Podcast interview
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Dr. Alex Pattakos, author, Prisoners of Our Thoughts
The Gill Deacon Show on CBC Canada
(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Dr. Pattakos was a guest on CBC's newest daytime talk show. Before a live audience, he discussed the search for meaning at work and in everyday life. See the session on streaming video. |
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BK Currents Authors' Dialogue
Personal Responsibility: Its Role in Creating a Better World
Global Dialogue Center exclusive!
At a time when the world needs it most, John Perkins and a distinguished group of other Berrett-Koehler Authors, including Angeles Arrien, Alex Pattakos, David Korten, Charles Derber, Lee Drutman, Stewart Levine, John Renesch and Debbe Kennedy come together to help us all think, question and explore possibilities in compelling dialogue on this timely topic.
Learn more, listen and see...
Sponsored by the Global Dialogue Center in partnership with BK Currents, an imprint of Berrett-Koehler Publishers in San Francisco.
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Women in the Lead presents...
…an ongoing series conversations with women rising up to pursue work they love
Diversity Mosaic: An Interview with author Tina Rasmussen
In this personal interview, Tina Rasmussen talked about the challenges she sees in today's workplace, the personal motivation behind her work and her new book and set of tools designed to support establishing a successful diversity initiative.
Listen Now |
HABITAT JAM at the World Urban Forum 3
Habitat JAM documentary film and Networking Session
A new Habitat JAM mini-documentary and a Networking Session sponsored will be sponsored at the World Urban Forum. The documentary tells the Habitat JAM story using videos and pictures from around the world, collecteduring the JAM, and includes interviews with key partners, experts, moderators and participants.
Important Habitat Jam - WUF3 dates, events and information
Perspective from Oguchi Nkwocha, M. D., Igbo visionary from Biafra/south-eastern Nigeria
Dr. Nkwocha enlightens us with his deep conviction and knowledge of the state of south-eastern Nigeria and
how our collective consciousness and action can be a catalyst for change and survival for many innocent people.
Listen now 24:00 (13.8MB MP3)
May 2006 - Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) issues Declaration of Support for Biafra
Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) is an independent, non-profit research and education organization dedicated to wider understanding and appreciation of the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and the social, economic and political realities of indigenous nations. An important goal of CWIS is to establish cooperation between nations and to democratize international relations between nations and between nations and states. Learn more.
Learn more about BIAFRA, the need and how you can help.
Viktor Frankl's Search for Meaning
Interfaith Voices on Interfaith Radio speaks to Dr. Alex Pattakos, who talks about what we can learn from thinkers who have struggled in extraordinary circumstances to find meaning and the spiritual connection of Viktor Frankl's work.
Listen now 9:21 (12.9MB MP3)
Interfaith Radio
Women in the Lead presents...
…an ongoing series conversations with women rising up to pursue work they love
An Interview with Melinda Kramer
Co-Founder, Women’s Global Green Action Network.
Learn from an extraordinary young visionary following her heart and being a powerful catalyst for change all over the world. She will enlighten you and leave you deeply moved by her accomplishments with Women's Green Action Network.
Podcast interview |

A Conversation with John Perkins
Global Dialogue Center Exclusive!
Celebrating the release of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man in paperback, John Perkins joins Debbe Kennedy, founder of the Global Dialogue Center and three members of the Global Dialogue Center community for an intimate and personal conversation. John opens up to talk candidly about the st ory behind the book, his journey since his book was originally published, and also answers the provocative questions that emerged during the time we shared with him.
Listen now (56 min.)
Global Dialogue Center Community members joining John Perkins...
- Jan Coleman, investment banker for sustainable/green projects/Moderator, 24seven Conversations
- Oguchi Nkwocha, M.D., Igbo visionary from Biafra/south-eastern Nigeria
- JoshuaPeaceSeeker Hughes, peacemaker, bio-diesel pioneer
- Debbe Kennedy, founder, Global Dialogue Center (Host)
ALSO...visit John Perkins BLOG... |
You Can Do Almost Anything!
Forming Partnerships, Working Hard and
Re-skilling Yourself Leads to Success
Bill Tipton, Project Manager for Hewlett-Packard and Contributing Author at the Global Dialogue Center shares his inspiring story and offers insights on how he has been able reinvent himself from sighted to completely blind to inspiring leader and role model for others.
Read more
Women in the Lead presents...
The Personal Story of Karen Pomroy
Founder, Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary
@ Jumpin' Jack Ranch
We are celebrating the opening our WOMEN's GALLERY with this inspiring exhibit and audio/podcast. This special exhibit showcases a courageous story about the work and passions of Karen Pomroy's mission to save the horses, be a powerful advocate for women’s health, while setting an example for us all about what it means to follow one's heart. |
Also features...
Listen to PODCAST:
Part 1: Saving the Horses - the early beginnings (13:01, 6MB)
Part 2: The Premarin Crisis for Women and Horses (15:43, 7.26MB)
Part 3: The Courage to Follow Your Heart (11:15, 9MB)
THE KNOWLEDGE GALLERY at the Global Dialogue Center presents...
FIVE REGIONS OF THE FUTURE online self-learning exhibit: now showing
A self-learning exhibit blazing a new trail, introducing Joel Barker’s and Scott Erickson’s groundbreaking discoveries and their new book. The exhibit takes you on a visual walk through the key points of this landmark contribution to the 21st Century.
See the exhibit now
Interview with famed futurist, filmmaker and author, Joel A. Barker and co-author, Scott W. Erickson
In this three-part interview
Co-authors, Joel Barker and Scott Erickson join Debbe Kennedy, founder of the Global Dialogue Center for an up-close and personal conversation about FIVE REGIONS OF THE FUTURE.
Part 1:
Authors introduce the five regions and the characteristics of each region. (25 min)
Part 2:
The story behind the FIVE REGIONS OF THE FUTURE book; the discovery of a new technology paradigm and answers to questions about the book (14 min)
Part 3:
Five Regions Applications: Authors comment on applications in business, life, religion, war, politics, Katrina Hurricane and offer compelling conclusions. (29 min)
Listen to the interview now ...
Also see Joel Barker's POWER OF VISION contribution at the Global Dialogue Center's KNOWLEDGE GALLERY Exhibit honoring Viktor Frankl's life and work. |

Tens of thousands of people joined in the conversaton from 158 countries around the world in the biggest global dialogue ever held on urban sustainability and critical issues of our time. Our GDC community proudly supported this unprecedented global conversation about what matters most to all to us. Sponsored by the Government of Canada in partnership with UN-Habitat and IBM Corporation.
For 72 hours people around the world contributed their ideas with one another. Everybody was welcomed!
Admission and registration was free.
Learn more about what happened and see the analysis coming in January 2006
Learn more about Habitat Jam ---- LISTEN NOW (42 min.)
Diego Mulligan talks with Dr. Alex Pattakos and Debbe Kennedy, GDC Founder on NPR, The Journey Home show, Santa Fe, recorded November 28, 2005. Dr. Pattakos and Debbe Kennedy talk about the story and promise of the Habitat Jam.
from KSFR Radio
Our Global Dialogue Center community was proud to support this historic global event. Members of our community served as dialogue leaders in the HUMANITY: The Future of Our Cities area, including:
- Joel Barker, Futurist, Filmmaker and Author, FIVE REGIONS OF THE FUTURE
- Alex Pattakos, Ph.D., Founder, Center for Meaning; Author, Prisoners of Our Thoughts
- Oguchi Nkwocha, M.D. Visionary and Contributing Author, World Vision Dialogue
- Joshua Peace Seeker Hughes, Author, World Vision Dialogues/WHAT YOU CAN DO
- Bill Tipton, Champion for People with Disabilities (See Bill's article at Habitat Jam)
- Yehuda Stolov, Ph.D., Exec Director, Inter-Faith Encounter Assn, Jerusalem
- Debbe Kennedy, Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Women in the Lead presents...
A personal conversation with Dr. Helen Fisher, Ph.D
Author, The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women and How They are Changing the World
Dr. Helen Fisher, Research Associate in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University joins Maureen Simon, Maureen Simon Consulting and Debbe Kennedy, founder of the Global Dialogue Center for an intimate conversation about the emerging roles of women in the 21st Century. They talk about business, sex and family life and also learn more about Dr. Fisher's personal journey.
Listen to PODCAST
Learn more about Women in the Lead |
Review the inventory of our Global Dialogue Center audio-podcasts throughout our site.
Review our list.
Learn more about podcasting. |
Middle East Peace Talks:
Fulfilling a vision of acceptance, understanding
and mutual respect
Interfaith Encounter Association - Jerusalem, Israel
Personal interview with with Dr. Yehuda Stolov, Executive Director with an inspiring look at the power of dialogue among people.
"...for nearly two years, all they knew of the others was through the media. Namely: The other wanted to kill them. a bit more than 24 hours from the first contact, they sang together, danced together and were telling jokes with one another. When the time came to say farewell, everybody was hugging each other and was sad to go back to the outside reality."
Interview |
The Wholehearted Journey: An interview with Denise Bissonnette
Author, The Wholehearted Journey: Bringing Qualities of Soul to Everyday Life and Work
Interview |
The Power of One: Insights of Leadership from Nelson Mandela
Learning from his leadership example.
Read now |