honoring the Women's Global Green Action Network
The WOMEN's GALLERY at Women in the Lead is proud to present this most-deserved honoring of the Women's Global Green Action Network. We invite you to enjoy this a multi-media self-learning experience.
This special exhibit will help you step inside the remarkable work and visible, tangible contributions that WGGAN by putting the spotlight on the experience of their Strategy Summit held in Mexico City in the Spring of 2006.
You will walk away with...
- A sense of the power of coming together as women.
- An affirming wonder about what can be done when you are driven by the passion to make a difference.
- A glimpse into the remarkable contributions women are making to influence environmental, economic and social justice.
- A compelling call-to-action to get involved in putting your fingerprint on history in your own right.
Listen to an moving podcast with Co-Founder, Melinda Kramer. Learn from an extraordinary young visionary following her heart and being a powerful catalyst for change all over the world. She will enlighten you and leave you deeply moved by her accomplishments with Women's Global Green Action Network.
Listen Now (37 min.) 28:12, 16MB (MP3)
Select the link to download the MP3 file. You can also do a right mouse click and download the file to your desktop (on Windows, use the "save target as..." option to download the file). Then, open it using any MP3 software (such as the free iTunes or Winamp players).
Also available at 

WGGAN: How YOU can get involved and become a supporter
"We joyfully invite you to join us in making certain that the crucial work of women in advocating for environmental and social change will continue on far into the future."
--- Melinda Kramer, Co-Founder |
In women’s efforts to curb the impacts of environmental degradation, they work against powerful, entrenched social, economic, and political barriers. The work they do and the movements they kick-start create a groundswell of pressure that can influence policy and impact generations. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr.Wangari Maathai of Kenya started out by planting a small tree nursery in her backyard. Her leadership sparked the Green Belt Movement, which has now been responsible for the planting of over 30 million trees across Africa and the education of thousands on environmentally sound alternatives. Dr. Maathai is but one example of the thousands of women poised to take a stand for the health of their natural environment and their communities—not as a luxury, as a necessity.
As a financial supporter, you will be investing in the leadership and empowerment of women grassroots advocates around the world, who are working on the frontlines of their communities to ensure environmental, social, and economic justice.
Please consider being a supporter of this new and needed effort as your tax-deductible contribution will have ripple effects in these women’s communities around the world. It is our deepest belief that Women’s Global Green Action Network will not only strengthen and connect the efforts of the earth’s most important environmental stewards, it will serve as an instrument of social democracy—equalizing access, connectivity, and political influence across our global demographic divides.
So please join us now as we forge together a global movement of solid environmental sustainability, rooted in the deep wisdom and experience of our true grassroots: the bright green shoots of our global women.
Women’s Global Green Action Network/EII
P.O. Box 14146
Berkeley, California 94712 USA
Learn more
Support WGGAN
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