A personal conversation with Dr. Helen Fisher, Ph.D.
Author, The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women and How They are Changing the World
Helen Fisher joins Maureen Simon, Maureen Simon Consulting and Debbe Kennedy, founder of the Global Dialogue Center for an intimate conversation about the emerging roles of women in the 21st Century. They talk about topics, like business, sex and family life---and learn more about Dr. Fisher's personal journey as a leader in her own right.
Our interview with Helen is presented in three parts. Select a link to download the MP3 file. You can also do a right mouse click and download the file to your desktop (on Windows, use the "save target as..." option to download the file). Then, open it using any MP3 software (such as the free iTunes or Winamp players).
Also available at 
Helen Fisher, Ph.D. of Rutgers University, prominent anthropologist and author of four books and numerous articles in both respected scientific journals and popular magazines. Dr. Fisher's perspective on love, sexuality, women, and gender differences is featured in major news outlets such as Time magazine, National Public Radio, NBC, the BBC, and CNN. As a Research Associate in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University, Fisher focuses on the role of biology in human love and sexuality.
Learn more...
The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women
and How They are Changing the World
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