Dear friends,
I want to personally welcome you to the Global Dialogue Center, a special virtual gathering place for people throughout the world.
Creating this center was a passion stirring inside me long before technology was available to make it possible. Today, it remains an exciting, dynamic work-in-progress, which is being driven from our partnership with people like you from all over the world that have been sharing their ideas and inspiring us with their stories. We are striving to bring innovative opportunities and an exceptional personal experience to every person who visits.
We invite you to join our growing community and get involved --- take advantage of the increasing number of ways to think, question, explore new ideas and take in the insights of great thought leaders, applying them to your own style of leadership and span of influence. Put your imprint on changing the world --- share your voice --- start something! In return, you can count on our Global Dialogue Center team being dedicated to creating leadership, professional and personal development experiences that will support your important contributions.
We want to extend a personal invitation to you to visit the two specialty “wings” of our virtual facility --- the Knowledge Gallery and Women in the Lead ...a unique resource center for women around the world, as well as our growing just-when-you-need-it podcast library.
Look around. Get acquainted and visit often. We look forward to getting to know you. ...and as we build our community, I hope you'll let me know how we are doing. I welcome your messages, ideas and suggestions.

Debbe Kennedy
Founder, President, CEO
Global Dialogue Center and
Leadership Solution Companies
Contact Debbe Kennedy
Debbe Kennedy's Personal Profile (PDF)
Learn more...
Global Dialogue Center Brochure (PDF)