About podcasting at the Global Dialogue Center
Global Dialogue Center podcasts are downloadable audio programs in which we explore issues related to our core purpose. We invite you to listen on your computer or your portable MP3 player. Your do not need an Apple iPod to experience podcasts.
And please let us know what you think about our podcast by contacting us at podcast@globaldialoguecenter.com. Your thoughtful feedback will help us plan future shows.
Listen to a Global Dialogue Center podcast
Vist our podcast page for a list of Global Dialogue Center podcasts. Our podcasts include the professional-development series, "Working Together."
Subscribe to our podcasts
Subscribing to podcasts using "podcatching" software makes it relatively easy to automatically receive audio files on your computer and download them to your portable MP3 player. You'll never miss a Global Dialogue Center podcast.
Just copy and paste this URL (also known as our "podcast feed") following the instructions in your podcatching software:
Apple has added an easy subscribe option in iTunes, which can be downloaded at no cost. If you use iTunes, here's how to subcribe to Global Dialogue Center podcasts:
- Open iTunes
- Select Menu > Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast
- In the URL screen, enter: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GlobalDialogueCenter
- Click OK.
There are a variety of other tools for subscribing to podcasts available, including:

Podcastalley.com is a good source for podcatching software.
Learn more
For more information and background on podcasting, please see the Wikipedia "podcasting" entry.